당신의 손톱이 예술이 됩니다


멋 맛

실천예술 두눈 2015. 5. 12. 14:56



멋있음은 이웃의 부러움을 사는 것이지만
맛있음은 이웃과 나눔으로 이룬 공감이다. 
고로, 멋짐을 넘어 맛난 예술을 하련다. 
-지구촌에 온 지 36년 두눈 소리- 
Being art that is only attractive can gain only envy from the world.
Being art that is like good food that is loved and understood by all taste-buds is like empathy.
Everyone understands and enjoys the great meal or food. 
I would like my "art" to be like great food loved by all and touched by all in a positive way 
-A voice from Two Eyes, the 36th year on the earth-


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